
- 2000’s
- 2023MarchEstablishment of a corporate research institute
- 2022NovemberDeveloped and launched the garlic planting machine
- 2021DecemberDeveloped and launched the crop stem cutting machine
- 2019OctoberDeveloped and launched the sowing machine
- 2017AprilCommendation from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- 2015JulyExpanded to the Changwon General Industrial Complex (Daesan Factory)
- 2010NovemberDeveloped and launched a multi-purpose ridging plastic mulcher designed for tractors.
- 2008SeptemberDeveloped and launched a fertilizer spreader designed for tractors, marking a significant achievement in our product innovation and introduction.
- 2008AugustDeveloped a ridging plastic mulcher
- 2006OctoberDeveloped and launched an organic multi-purpose fertilizer spreader.
- 2006MayDeveloped and launched an underground crop harvester
- 2005JuneDeveloped and launched rotovator
- 2003JulyObtained the Quality Management Certification (ISO 9001)
- 2002JulyDeveloped an automatic hose reel for agricultural machinery
- 2001Octoberthe establishment of the factory was completed
- 1990’s
- Developed and launched a fertilizer spreader (mechanical, hydraulic, large-scale, multi-purpose) for tractorsOctober1998
- Developed and launched a high-speed processing blade for combinesApril1997
- Daepoong Agricultural Machinery was founded.March1996